Voyage to the Heart of the Amazon: Tucano

Brazilian Amazon

This is a true expedition voyage and we explore far into the wilderness into some of the most untouched rainforest in all of the Amazon. We venture far up the least inhabited major river in the Amazon Basin on our expedition vessel, the Motor Yacht Tucano. Weaving in and out of small channels on the Rio Negro, we explore areas very rarely visited and seek out the mysterious life of the wilderness that stirs in the forest and in the heart of wild nature

  • Explore deep into the Amazon World Heritage site
  • Small groups, the best way to observe nature
  • Excursions every day: by launch, kayak, walks in the rainforest, fishing, swimming, remote and unspoiled villages
  • Highly skilled naturalists guides help to observe the wildlife
  • Enjoy wonderful cuisine and stylish comfort in old-style elegance
  • Sustainable expedition - with solar powered refrigeration, electric motors, solar heated showers, and solar ice makers.

The most comprehensive cruise operated in the entire Amazon

Departing from Manaus, Brasil, this is a true expedition cruise that explores far into the remote wilderness rainforest.

The Tucano is able to explore farther into the wild rainforest because the cruise is “continuous” - meaning that the voyage is for a full six days and not the more customary combination of two short cruises. The Motor Yacht Tucano voyages far up the least inhabited major river in the Amazon Basin: The Rio Negro. This cruise is the only one that ventures deep into the UNESCO Natural World Heritage site, the Central Amazon Conservation Complex, the largest reserve in the entire Amazon. By day and by night, through many active excursions, we seek out the mysterious life that stirs in the heart of the rainforest. On the last day of the cruise we visit the Encontro das Aguas, the confluence of the world’s two largest rivers, the Rio Negro and the mighty, magnificent, Amazon River itself.

The onboard guides are skilled naturalists who, over  many years have developed fantastic skills that enable us to observe creatures almost never seen by others. In addition to observing flora and fauna, we also visit small villages to learn of the culture of pioneer families. Because of the exploratory vessel course, the very small groups, the many activities, and the skilled guides, this cruise is the most authentic cruise in the entire Amazon.

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100 % of reviewers liked this tour.
May 17 2022
Amazing, personal experience of the Amazon Jungle! A complete privilege to be on such a small vessel, visiting remote locations only possible with this style of travel. The guides and their knowledge added so much and made it possible to see animals and birds I would have missed otherwise!

Stewart's Take

Without doubt the best way to explore the Amazon. The Tucano is a delightful way to travel.


This is a true expedition voyage and we explore far into the wilderness into some of the most untouched rainforest in all of the Amazon. We venture far up the least inhabited major river in the Amazon Basin on our expedition vessel, the Motor Yacht Tucano. Weaving in and out of small channels on the Rio Negro, we explore areas very rarely visited and seek out the mysterious life of the wilderness that stirs in the forest and in the heart of wild nature.
Day 1 - embark in Manaus Early this morning all guests board the vessel the Motor Yacht Tucano and depart upstream on the Rio Negro. Through the morning we will cruise through the world’s largest river island system, the Anavilhanas Archipelago. From the observation deck we scan the magnificent tangle of vegetation at the water’s edge. By mid-afternoon the vessel has gone beyond the frontier of settlement and entered a wilderness area. Both shores are covered by dense rainforest. Though we cannot predict what we will see, we likely observe pink river dolphins, primates and a large collection of exotic birds. Most certainly we will be treated to magnificent forest vistas and the spectacular trees themselves. In the late afternoon we embark in the launches and hunt for wildlife. We may also go for a swim in some of the world’s most clean and refreshing water. (LD) Day 2 - Amazon exploration, Lago Turia Early this morning we divide into small groups and explore the rainforest in our launches or kayaks, each group with a naturalist guide. We should hear and perhaps see howler monkeys and we should hear a morning serenade of toucans. After breakfast we go for a walk in the forest where we will get a good start on understanding Amazon ecology. Around midday we return for lunch and the vessel will get underway, perhaps stopping at a place to swim. In the late afternoon we will again explore the forest in our launches and listen to the sunset chorus of birds, frogs and howler monkeys. (BLD) Day 3 - Amazon exploration, Lago Buriti This morning there will be an early exploration of the waking forest. We will keep our eyes open for sloths... on most trips we see them often. We return for breakfast followed by either a walk in the forest or an excursion in the launches. M/Y Tucano will travel during the middle of the day and we stop in the afternoon for an excursion. Tonight the vessel may travel a bit more as we marvel at the night sky crowded with stars. (BLD) Day 4 - Amazon exploration, Scout the Rio Jaueperi After our morning excursions The M/Y Tucano will navigate along the heavily forested shore, scouting for wildlife. We may stop for a visit at a settler’s home carved out of the forest. In the early afternoon we will be near an extraordinary river called the Rio Jaueperi. Here we will see a kind of forest known as the varzea. We will scout along the shoreline for some of the extraordinary creatures found only in this unique environment. Weather permitting, we will have a night excursion to observe nocturnal creatures. (BLD) Day 5 - Amazon exploration, west bank of the Rio Negro Today we will voyage to the west side of the Rio Negro and continue to scout in our launches and walk in the forest. Weather and water depth permitting, we will explore areas rarely visited by anyone else. Tonight the M/Y Tucano goes downstream, and will enter an east bank affluent of the Rio Negro and explore on deep into the rainforest on this small river. After our nocturnal exploration of the rainforest in our launches we return to the Motor Yacht Tucano for “Caipirinha Night” and perhaps try a bit of samba on the top deck. (BLD) Day 6 - Amazon River Meeting of the Waters We begin the day with a dawn excursion hunting for wakening wildlife followed by a full Brasilian breakfast. We will then go one last time into the forest. In the mid-afternoon we will begin to journey downstream. We should arrive late in the day at the “Encontro das Aguas” - a stark several mile long line where two of the world’s largest rivers, the Amazon and the Rio Negro, join in a turbulent maelstrom. Here the dark water of the Negro runs beside the opaque brown water of the Amazon. At sunset the M/Y Tucano will once again turn her bows upstream on the Rio Negro and journey to our overnight anchorage north of the City of Manaus. As we pass in front of Manaus, we will marvel at the scale of one of the world’s largest and most vibrant port cities, over a thousand miles from the sea. Tonight we will have a farewell dinner and prepare for an early departure in the morning. (BLD) Day 7 - disembark Manaus Early this morning, after a hearty breakfast, all guests disembark from the M/Y Tucano. (B) Notes:
  • Meal Codes: B = Breakfast, L = Lunch, D = Dinner
  • Please note that the day-to-day schedule is approximate. The exact order of the days and specific features may be altered due to navigational and other scheduling considerations.
  • Degree of Difficulty: Good health is necessary. Guests can have a quite enjoyable trip by simply staying on board the M/Y Tucano and participating in launch excursions. Participants in our walks in the forest must be able to comfortably walk for two or more hours at a time.

Motor Yacht: Tucano

M/Y Tucano

Specifically designed for deep forest exploration, the M/Y Tucano has a shallow draft, a fleet of exploration craft, charming and exquisite wooden interiors and comfortable accommodations for a maximum of 18 passengers. The highly experienced captain and staff take you to some of the remote tributaries that are literally uncharted waters. They have a passion for exploration and hunt deep into the small, heavily-forested tributaries where the Amazon's most interesting creatures still thrive .... as they have for millions of years. Experience magnificent flora and fauna that is almost always invisible to travellers on more typical cruises. We almost never see any other people or other boats. This is what makes our cruises spectacular experiences that few people ever will be able share... in their entire lives. The M/Y Tucano takes you further and deeper than all other cruises!

For full information about this vessel click here:

  • Cabin accommodation on board Tucano
  • Guided excursions
  • All meals as indicated in the itinerary.
  • Bottled water is served free of charge.
  • Arrival transfer to the vessel from the centre of Manaus.
  • airport transfers
  • airfare
  • departure taxes
  • visa fees
  • soft drinks or alcoholic beverages
  • gratuities
  • items of a personal nature
Deposits Reservations require a non-refundable deposit of US$500 per person at the time you receive a booking confirmation from Expeditions Online. A payment link will be sent to you and this may be paid by major credit card or bank transfer. Final Payments Balances are due 60 days prior to departure. Stateroom Categories There are three stateroom categories on the Motor Yacht Tucano: all have a private bathroom and air-conditioning. Yellow Staterooms: these five double staterooms are the largest on the vessel. They have beds side by side. Green Staterooms: these two double staterooms have above and below berths (bunk beds). Blue Staterooms: these two single staterooms have a single twin sized bed. On request, Blue can be converted to Green. Triple Occupancy: Three travelers can share stateroom “0”. Each traveler pays the Green Category Rate. Single Occupancy: If a single traveler is willing to share with another same gender passenger, he or she will be charged the Green Category rate, even if a roommate is not available. Single travelers that request a private stateroom are charged the Blue Category rate. If a single traveler wishes to reserve a Yellow Category stateroom, the fare for two travelers at the Yellow Category rate is due. Discounts for Children Children 12 years of age and under who share a room with an adult receive a discount of 50% off the cruise rate for whichever stateroom category they select, subject to availability. Cancellations All requests for cancellation must be received in writing to Expeditions Online. Cancellations received 60 days or more prior to departure means the loss of deposit. For cancellations received between 60 and 45 days before departure, the cancellation fee is 50% of the cruise cost - within 45 days of departure all payments are forfeited. We strongly recommend that you obtain adequate trip cancellation insurance. Booking Terms Please read carefully the Terms and Conditions for Expeditions Online (link at the bottom of this page). This expedition is operated by Amazon Nature Tours and you additionally travel under their terms and conditions as the operator. Details will be forwarded to you at the time of booking. Notes Rates are subject to change without notice. In case of force majeure to include unexpected repairs, Amazon Nature Tours reserves the right to substitute a vessel similar to the Motor Yacht Tucano without penalty.
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